
news of the PodBible project to podcast a reading of the whole Bible by over three hundred volunteers currently available in three formats: a chapter a day, the Bible in a year and select for yourself from the chapters already podcast.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

YouPod (help wanted)

We'd love to hear your stories. In particular it would be a great encouragement to us, and probably to other listeners if you could tell us when a chapter has meant something special to oy, or when the Think|Pray|Do ideas have sparked your ideas in a special way.

Ideally we'll do this simply by changing this blog so that each day posts the current day's chapter as the title of the post, which can other wise be blank or better with just a short invitation like "Tell us our responses to this passage here:"

The chapters in PodBible are podcast using PHP to read the directories and create both the RSS feeds and the corresponding web pages. So... what I need is someone who can help me create a blog using the same (sort of?) mechanism.

If you know someone who might (a) be interested in helping and (b) might have the necessary skills please let me know!

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