
news of the PodBible project to podcast a reading of the whole Bible by over three hundred volunteers currently available in three formats: a chapter a day, the Bible in a year and select for yourself from the chapters already podcast.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Bible completed!

Today we podcast the last chapter to complete the whole Bible! After nearly four years of work, starting with 300+ volunteers reading the whole Bible live over Labour Weekend in 2005, and continuine with teams brainstorming ideas for something to Think about, Pray about and Do for each chapter the daily podcast series is complete.

We will continue to provide a daily chapter, but the whole Bible is now available to download chapter-by-chapter. We have begun work on a couple of new projects to develop PodBible further.

First we are packaging chapters to make 60 minute collections (book by book) so that people can download these "Bible60" collections to put on CDs, tapes or their car radios to listen to longer swathes of Scripture (with no TPDs added).

Then we are working to make the daily podcasts available in AMR format (much smaller files than the MP3s we podcast here) for download to mobile phone... news of a launch soon we hope :)

By ther way if providing Bible readings to more than a thousand people a day sounds worthwhile to you maybe you could help by taking a share of the regular tasks needed to run the podcasts, with a little training we can provide, anyone who is moderately computer literate could do what is needed in less than an hour a week... write to Tim to get more details...

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Saturday, May 24, 2008

YouPod (help wanted)

We'd love to hear your stories. In particular it would be a great encouragement to us, and probably to other listeners if you could tell us when a chapter has meant something special to oy, or when the Think|Pray|Do ideas have sparked your ideas in a special way.

Ideally we'll do this simply by changing this blog so that each day posts the current day's chapter as the title of the post, which can other wise be blank or better with just a short invitation like "Tell us our responses to this passage here:"

The chapters in PodBible are podcast using PHP to read the directories and create both the RSS feeds and the corresponding web pages. So... what I need is someone who can help me create a blog using the same (sort of?) mechanism.

If you know someone who might (a) be interested in helping and (b) might have the necessary skills please let me know!

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Wednesday, December 05, 2007

Advent Podcasts

We will be starting a PodBible advent flavoured series of chapters soon, basically once the current crop of Psalms is finished. I'll announce the details here in a day or two before it starts. Stephen posted a link to a different sort of Advent podcast, Devo-to-Go offers a series of short devotional talks based on advent readings of a few verses each.

Their 'casts are just a bit longer than my 5 Minute Bible ones, and are more conventionally "devotional" like mini sermons, each day also features a fundraising link to the source of the music clips they have used.

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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

5 Minute Bible

If you like PodBible, you may like 5 Minute Bible a new "audio blog" by Tim that will have 5 minute audio about Bible passages. Sometimes they'll be more devotional like the first post:
sometimes more of a lecture like the second:

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