
a blog for news of the PodBible project to podcast a reading of the whole Bible by ordinary people currently available in three formats: a chapter a day, the Bible in a year and select for yourself from the chapters already podcast.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Luke: missing Think | Pray | Do

An attentive and helpful listener has pointed out that Luke 3-13 (i.e. up to date at the time of writing) lack Think|Pray|Do ideas. The backup copies on my laptop also do not have these, just the Bible text. I am travelling (see, so it will be next month till I am at home and can check to see if we have TPDs prepared and recorded for Luke. So, I'd ask you to supply your own for these weeks! Also if you come up with good ones to either post them as comments to this post, or send them by email to pod at then we can use them and have a wider range of contributors!

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