
news of the PodBible project to podcast a reading of the whole Bible by over three hundred volunteers currently available in three formats: a chapter a day, the Bible in a year and select for yourself from the chapters already podcast.

Sunday, January 04, 2009

Schedule of readings

Someone asked:

Is there a listing of the order of the readings? Is it straight through, chronological, some kind of mix?

These are good questions! Being "on the inside" we did not think to answer them till you asked ;)

Bible in a Year: The readings follow the traditional Protestant Canon roughly alternating an Old Testament book with a New Testament book. There are a few adjustments for the different number of books in each "half" of the Bible and because too many psalms or proverbs in a row might be "too much of a good thing" those books are split into sections. The order is the one used by this email service.

Chapter a Day: Here the order is much more complex, basically we are "doing" the books that have not yet been podcast, so that we will have the whole Bible available (we should finish this year :) though we are repeating the gospels, and to fit in with a Bible reading and discussing plan a friend is organising we may repeat some other books. Again we roughly alternate Old and New Testaments, and have split up the psalms into roughly two week "chunks".

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Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sorry about 2nd and 3rd (Bible in a Year)

I am sorry about the mix up with the recordings for the Bible in a Year for the 2nd and 3rd of this month. I put them up from an Internet cafe in Bangkok, while suffering from jetlag and lack of sleep (see here for details of why) and made a mistake. For those who are saving the recordings to use again, I will try to fix it as soon as I can - but where I am now it may take a few days (or even till April if I have not got the necessary files with me :(


Sunday, September 09, 2007

Numbering Fixed

I have fixed the numbering of the Bible in a Year, I hope that the change does not make problems for anyone! One of the problems with a basically unfunded amateur project is that sometimes backup people are not in place and "glitches" arise, we are slowly ironing these out - please be understanding and patient...


Saturday, January 13, 2007

Sorry (again) ::

Once again I have to say I am sorry! It is the summer holidays here downunder, and I managed to go away without checking that I had enough Bible in a Year chunks uploaded before I went. And, perhaps because it is holiday time, no one with my cell phone number phoned to tell me! The first good news is I am fixing it, the second is that I will have additional help this year as Chris (who I will introduce properly later) will be helping me and with a new and (once again) bigger team we should make less mistakes!

So, please accept my apologies, and please continue to use this great way to hear the Bible in a year, with the audio read by "real people".
